1. Boyce JA et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: S1–S58.
2. Pal S et al. Nutrients 2015; 7: 7285–7297.
3. Suchy FJ et al. NIH Consens State Sci Statements 2010; 27: 1–27.
4. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. EFSA Journal 2010; 8: 1777.
5. Branum AM, Lukacs SL. Pediatrics 2009; 124:1549–1555.
6. Osborne NJ et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 127: 668–676. e1–e2.
7. Kemp AS et al. Med J Aust 2008; 188: 109–112.
8. Boyce JA et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: S1–S58.
9. Venter C et al. Clin Transl Allergy 2013; 3: 23.
10. Rona RJ et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007; 120: 638–646.
11. Olivier CE et al. Allergy Asthma Proc 2012; 33: 432–436.
12. Suchy FJ et al. NIH Consens State Sci Statements 2010; 27: 1–27.
13. Troelsen JT. Biochim Biophys Acta 2005; 1723:19–32.
14. Grand RJ et al. Gut 2003; 52: 617–619.
15. Mathieson I et al. Nature 2015; 528: 499–503.
16. Campbell AK et al. Sci Prog 2005; 88: 157–202.
17. Srinivasan R, Minocha A. Postgrad Med 1998; 104: 109–111, 115–116, 122–123.
18. Pal S et al. Nutrients 2015; 7: 7285–7297.
19. He M, et al. (2017). Effects of cow’s milk beta-casein variants on symptoms of milk intolerance in Chinese adults: a multicentre, randomised controlled study. Nutr J. 16:72.
20. Pelto L et al. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 620–624.
21. Formaggioni P et al. Universiti degli Studi de Parma, Annalli della Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria 1999; Vol XIX:127–165.
22. Scientific Report of EFSA prepared by a DATEX Working Group on the potential health impact of β-casomorphins and related peptides. EFSA Scientific Report (2009); 231: 1–107.
23. Provot C et al. Biochimie 1989; 71: 827–832.
24. GenBank accesion number AJ011019.3. Goat beta-casein. (accessed 14 March 2016).
25. Wada Y, Lonnerdal B. Pediatr Res 2015; 77: 546–553.
26. De Noni I. Food Chem 2008; 110: 897–903.
27. Jinsmaa Y, Yoshikawa M. Peptides 1999; 20: 957–962.
28. Ul Haq MR et al. Food Chem 2015; 168: 70–79.
29. Hartwig A et al. Influence of genetic polymorphisms in bovine milk on the occurence of bioactive peptides. Seminar on milk protein polymorphism. IDF special issue no. 9702. International Dairy Federation, Brussels. 1997:459–460.
30. Brantl V et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1979; 360: 1211–1216.
31. Henschen A et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1979; 360: 1217–1224.
32. Lottspeich F et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1980; 361: 1835–1839.
33. Brantl V et al. Life Sci 1981; 28: 1903–1909.
34. Pleuvry BJ. Br J Anaesth 1991; 66: 370–380.
35. Ward SJ, Takemori AE. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1983; 224: 359–363.
36. Carroccio A et al. J Am Coll Nutr 1998; 17: 631–636.
37. Johnson AO et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1993; 57: 399–401.
38. Phelan M et al. Int Dairy J 2009; 19: 643–654.
39. Ng-Kwai-Hang KF, Grosclaude F. Genetic polymorphism of milk proteins. In: Fox PFaM, P.L.H editor. Advanced Dairy Chemistry 2002: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. pp739–816.
40. Kaminski S et al. J Appl Genet 2007; 48: 189–98.
41. De Noni I, Cattaneo S. Food chemistry 2010; 119: 560–566.
42. Boutrou R et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2013; 97: 1314–1323.
43. Svedberg J et al. Peptides 1985; 6: 825–830.
44. Barnett MP et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2014; 65: 720–727.
45. Ul Haq MR et al. Eur J Nutr 2014; 53: 1039–1049.
46. De Ponti F et al. J Pharm Pharmacol 1989; 41: 302–305.
47. Daniel H et al. J Nutr 1990; 120: 252–257.
48. Schulte-Frohlinde E et al. Effect of bovine beta-casomorphin-4-amide on gastrointestinal transit and pancreatic endocrine function in man In: Brantl V, Teschemacher H, eds. Beta-Casomorphins and related peptides: recent developments. 1994. New York VCH Weinheim; pp155–160.
49. Kromer W et al. Life Sci 1980; 26: 1857–1865.
50. Zoghbi S et al. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006; 290: G1105–G1113.
51. Kost NV et al. Peptides 2009; 30: 1854–1860.
52. Wasilewska J et al. Neuropeptides 2011; 45: 189–195.
53. Claustre J et al. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2002; 283: G521–G528.
54. Trompette A et al. J Nutr 2003; 133: 3499–3503.
55. Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Information sheet: Cow’s milk (dairy) allergy. 2016. (accessed 28 August 2016).
56. Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Information sheet: Food allergy clinical update for health professionals. 2016. (accessed 28 August 2016). (accessed 28 August 2016).
1. Boyce JA et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: S1–S58.
2. Pal S et al. Nutrients 2015; 7: 7285–7297.
3. Suchy FJ et al. NIH Consens State Sci Statements 2010; 27: 1–27.
4. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. EFSA Journal 2010; 8: 1777.
5. Branum AM, Lukacs SL. Pediatrics 2009; 124:1549–1555.
6. Osborne NJ et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011; 127: 668–676. e1–e2.
7. Kemp AS et al. Med J Aust 2008; 188: 109–112.
8. Boyce JA et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010; 126: S1–S58.
9. Venter C et al. Clin Transl Allergy 2013; 3: 23.
10. Rona RJ et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007; 120: 638–646.
11. Olivier CE et al. Allergy Asthma Proc 2012; 33: 432–436.
12. Suchy FJ et al. NIH Consens State Sci Statements 2010; 27: 1–27.
13. Troelsen JT. Biochim Biophys Acta 2005; 1723:19–32.
14. Grand RJ et al. Gut 2003; 52: 617–619.
15. Mathieson I et al. Nature 2015; 528: 499–503.
16. Campbell AK et al. Sci Prog 2005; 88: 157–202.
17. Srinivasan R, Minocha A. Postgrad Med 1998; 104: 109–111, 115–116, 122–123.
18. Pal S et al. Nutrients 2015; 7: 7285–7297.
19. He M, et al. (2017). Effects of cow’s milk beta-casein variants on symptoms of milk intolerance in Chinese adults: a multicentre, randomised controlled study. Nutr J. 16:72.
20. Pelto L et al. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 620–624.
21. Formaggioni P et al. Universiti degli Studi de Parma, Annalli della Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria 1999; Vol XIX:127–165.
22. Scientific Report of EFSA prepared by a DATEX Working Group on the potential health impact of β-casomorphins and related peptides. EFSA Scientific Report (2009); 231: 1–107.
23. Provot C et al. Biochimie 1989; 71: 827–832.
24. GenBank accesion number AJ011019.3. Goat beta-casein. (accessed 14 March 2016).
25. Wada Y, Lonnerdal B. Pediatr Res 2015; 77: 546–553.
26. De Noni I. Food Chem 2008; 110: 897–903.
27. Jinsmaa Y, Yoshikawa M. Peptides 1999; 20: 957–962.
28. Ul Haq MR et al. Food Chem 2015; 168: 70–79.
29. Hartwig A et al. Influence of genetic polymorphisms in bovine milk on the occurence of bioactive peptides. Seminar on milk protein polymorphism. IDF special issue no. 9702. International Dairy Federation, Brussels. 1997:459–460.
30. Brantl V et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1979; 360: 1211–1216.
31. Henschen A et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1979; 360: 1217–1224.
32. Lottspeich F et al. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 1980; 361: 1835–1839.
33. Brantl V et al. Life Sci 1981; 28: 1903–1909.
34. Pleuvry BJ. Br J Anaesth 1991; 66: 370–380.
35. Ward SJ, Takemori AE. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1983; 224: 359–363.
36. Carroccio A et al. J Am Coll Nutr 1998; 17: 631–636.
37. Johnson AO et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1993; 57: 399–401.
38. Phelan M et al. Int Dairy J 2009; 19: 643–654.
39. Ng-Kwai-Hang KF, Grosclaude F. Genetic polymorphism of milk proteins. In: Fox PFaM, P.L.H editor. Advanced Dairy Chemistry 2002: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. pp739–816.
40. Kaminski S et al. J Appl Genet 2007; 48: 189–98.
41. De Noni I, Cattaneo S. Food chemistry 2010; 119: 560–566.
42. Boutrou R et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2013; 97: 1314–1323.
43. Svedberg J et al. Peptides 1985; 6: 825–830.
44. Barnett MP et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2014; 65: 720–727.
45. Ul Haq MR et al. Eur J Nutr 2014; 53: 1039–1049.
46. De Ponti F et al. J Pharm Pharmacol 1989; 41: 302–305.
47. Daniel H et al. J Nutr 1990; 120: 252–257.
48. Schulte-Frohlinde E et al. Effect of bovine beta-casomorphin-4-amide on gastrointestinal transit and pancreatic endocrine function in man In: Brantl V, Teschemacher H, eds. Beta-Casomorphins and related peptides: recent developments. 1994. New York VCH Weinheim; pp155–160.
49. Kromer W et al. Life Sci 1980; 26: 1857–1865.
50. Zoghbi S et al. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006; 290: G1105–G1113.
51. Kost NV et al. Peptides 2009; 30: 1854–1860.
52. Wasilewska J et al. Neuropeptides 2011; 45: 189–195.
53. Claustre J et al. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2002; 283: G521–G528.
54. Trompette A et al. J Nutr 2003; 133: 3499–3503.
55. Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Information sheet: Cow’s milk (dairy) allergy. 2016. (accessed 28 August 2016).
56. Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). Information sheet: Food allergy clinical update for health professionals. 2016. (accessed 28 August 2016). (accessed 28 August 2016).